
Military and Law Enforcement have extremely high standards for their service weapons. They need to be as safe as possible while being usable within a moment’s notice. They require the highest standards of accuracy. And they need to function properly in all possible conditions, meeting the standard of 600-800 rounds being fired as fast as magazines can be reloaded.

Home security

Firearm owners need a weapon that requires minimal maintenance, that can sit on the shelf for extended periods of time. If they need to be used, they need to function as close as possible to how they did the last time the owner tested the weapon. And, as not all home security firearms owners treat it as a hobby, it helps to have a comfortable, intuitive grip that helps the user maintain accuracy without having to regularly fire their weapon.

Hobbyist and competitive

Firearms enthusiasts need weapons that can fire thousands of rounds without disruption. They need firearms that can dissipate massive amounts of heat without notably changing basic functionality. All that, and they tend to prefer their firearms look good, too!

The highest quality pistols don’t choose their materials arbitrarily. That’s why plastic injection molding is the cornerstone of many firearms used by Law Enforcement, Military, and Civilians throughout the United States and abroad.

Engineered thermoplastics, thermoplastic elastomers, colorants and various additives are carefully tested and blended to achieve the perfect result for every single component. All needs discussed are addressed in every single step of choosing these materials, adding up to the highest-quality firearms available. Anywhere.

Empire Precision Plastics (EPP) has years of experience molding in the Firearms Industry for Responsible Civilians, Law Enforcement, Military and Outdoor Enthusiasts. EPP meticulously constructs precise molds to fit all specifications of each product and provide material suggestions to ensure the highest degree of dependability and durability. We understand the need for these systems to withstand harsh conditions and still function. Empire Precision Plastics is the perfect partner for you to consider for your next project for plastic injection molding in the Firearms Industry.

Empire can mold any firearm or outdoor recreation component that can be made from plastic including:

- Frames

- Grips

- Uppers / Lowers

- Handguards

- Buttstocks

- Rifle Stocks

- Rifle Grips

- Magazine Components

- Internal Components

- Triggers

- Recoil Pads

- Optics

- Archery Components